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Regulatory Compliance and Permitting
Attorney in Portland, Oregon

Environmental law serves as the foundation for protecting our planet's natural resources and preserving it for future generations.

However, navigating the various federal, state, and local environmental permit laws and ensuring compliance with these regulations can sometimes pose significant challenges for businesses and organizations.  

That's why it's important to implement a structured approach to help individuals, businesses, and government organizations comply with the established environmental regulations and achieve a balance between ecological conservation and the necessities of economic growth and development. 

At The Law Office of Frank Hammond LLC, we stay up to date with new legal developments in the field so we can give our clients the most informed advice and representation. With over 35 years of experience, we offer services to help you understand environmental permitting requirements and the importance of complying with environmental laws.

For Experienced Counsel


What Is Regulatory Compliance? 

In terms of environmental law, regulatory compliance involves the commitment of businesses, organizations, and individuals to abide by the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards that pertain to their operations and the environment. This encompasses a wide range of areas including:  

  • Air and water quality 

  • Waste management 

  • Pollutant discharges 

  • Conservation of natural resources 

The regulations involved with environmental compliance make sure that specific entities do not harm the environment through their activities or neglect.

Certain legal measures are required to be implemented, and these entities must maintain continuous adherence to environmental regulations to minimize ecological impact while allowing for sustainable development and economic activities.  

Why Is Compliance Important? 

Failure to comply with environmental regulations can result in significant legal penalties, including fines, injunctions, and even criminal charges. Additionally, negligence in environmental matters can damage a company’s reputation, leading to loss of business and consumer trust.  

Effective compliance demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship, supporting sustainable development goals, and contributing to a positive corporate image. 

Compliance with Oregon Environmental Laws 

Oregon has implemented several key environmental compliance and protection laws that businesses and individuals must adhere to in their day-to-day operations: 

  • Oregon Environmental Quality Act: Mirroring the National Environmental Policy Act, this act requires state agencies to evaluate the environmental impact of their actions, including the issuing of permits. 

  • The Oregon Clean Air Act: Enforces standards for air quality, regulating the emissions from industries and vehicles to ensure the air remains clean and safe for humans and wildlife. 

  • Water Resources Department Regulations: These regulations oversee water usage rights, ensuring that the allocation and usage of water resources do not harm the environment and are used efficiently. 

  • Solid Waste Management: These laws ensure that the disposal or storage of solid and hazardous waste is handled in a way that minimizes environmental impact, encouraging recycling and the reduction of waste at its source. 

  • Endangered Species Conservation: Lays out significant steps to protect species at risk of extinction and implements regulations that protect habitats and restrict activities that could harm these species. 

At The Law Office of Frank Hammond LLC, we are experienced in devising innovative solutions that align with both our clients' unique objectives and Oregon's environmental health and sustainability. 

What Is Environmental Permitting? 

Environmental permitting regulates the impact of business operations and projects on the natural environment.

Essentially, it's a formal authorization process where federal, state, or local government bodies grant permission for an individual, business, or organization to carry out activities that have the potential to affect air, water, soil, wildlife, or other natural resources.

This system ensures that all relevant projects undergo a thorough review to assess their environmental impacts before any work commences.

The types of projects include, but are not limited to: 

  • Construction 

  • Manufacturing 

  • Industry expansion 

  • Land development 

Why Is It Important? 

The permitting process requires applicants to demonstrate compliance with environmental standards and, in many cases, to implement measures that mitigate negative impacts.

By obtaining the necessary permits, organizations, businesses, and individuals attest to adhere to federal and state obligations, contribute to environmental sustainability, and find a workable balance between economic development and ecological preservation.  

What Is the Permitting Process? 

The permitting process in Oregon is detailed and designed to make sure any activity likely to impact the environment undergoes rigorous review and compliance with state and federal environmental laws.

The general steps involved in obtaining an environmental permit include: 

  1. Identify the Need for a Permit: Gather detailed information about your project, including its potential environmental impact. This could be related to air emissions, water discharge, land development, or another action impacting the environment. 

  1. Application Submission: Submit a detailed application to the appropriate Oregon environmental agency, such as the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Water Resources Department, or another relevant state or local authority. The application must include a comprehensive description of the project, an assessment of its environmental impacts, and proposed mitigation strategies if applicable. 

  1. Public Notification and Comment: For certain projects, you may be required to notify the public about your permit application. This gives the public a chance to review and provide feedback on any potential environmental impacts. Depending on the complexity and potential environmental impact of the project, this could be lengthy and may require additional information or modifications to the proposed plan. 

  1. Agency Review: The agency will review your application to make sure it meets all the applicable environmental regulations. This may include consultations with other state and federal agencies. 

  1. Impact Assessment: In some cases, a detailed environmental impact assessment may be required. This assessment evaluates the potential effects of your project on the environment and proposes measures to mitigate these impacts. 

  1. Permit Decision: Based on the review and any public comments, the agency will make a decision. If your application is approved, you will receive your environmental permit, sometimes with conditions attached, such as monitoring, operational limitations, or periodic reporting to the regulatory body, to ensure environmental protection. 

  1. Compliance and Monitoring: After receiving the permit, you must comply with all the conditions set in the permit. The agency may require regular reporting or monitoring to make sure there is continuous compliance with the state's environmental laws and regulations. 

At The Law Office of Frank Hammond LLC, we can help you familiarize yourself with both the Oregon-specific permitting procedures and any federal requirements that may apply to your project. 

How Can Our Environmental Law Attorney Help? 

At The Law Office of Frank Hammond, LLC, our dedicated attorney offers a comprehensive suite of services that cover a vast array of compliance and permitting areas, including, but not limited to: 

  • Air Emissions Permits: We assist with the permitting process for operations that release emissions into the air, to make sure they comply with the Clean Air Act and state regulations. 

  • Water Discharge Permits: We offer guidance on obtaining permits for discharging wastewater or stormwater, which is critical for complying with the Clean Water Act. 

  • Waste Management Compliance: We advise our clients on the proper handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste according to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and state laws. 

  • Endangered Species and Habitat Protection: We offer consultations on compliance with the Endangered Species Act and state conservation laws, which is crucial for projects that may affect protected habitats or species. 

  • Regulatory Advocacy: We represent your interests in interactions with regulatory agencies, including negotiating permit conditions and resolving compliance issues. 

We have an unwavering commitment to preserving our natural resources. We believe in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability, and this principle guides his approach to every case we handle.  

Regulatory Compliance and Permitting Attorney in Portland, Oregon

At The Law Office of Frank Hammond LLC, our approach combines 35 years of experience with a deep understanding of environmental law and environmental regulatory compliance and permitting.  Located in Portland, Oregon, we serve clients across the state, including Eugene, Salem, Astoria, Newport, Bandon, Medford, and Bend. Whether you need assistance with obtaining permits, developing a compliance strategy, or representing your interests before regulatory bodies, we can help. Contact us to schedule a consultation.