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Case Results

DEQ v. Oilfield Waste Logistics (OWL)

(Hazardous Waste and Administrative Litigation.) DEQ fined OWL alleging that it had illegally disposed of radioactive waste in Waste Management's hazardous waste landfill in Arlington, OR. DEQ sought a penalty of approximately $320,000. Through argument, I was able to get the fine reduced to approximately $22,000. 

Peterson v. Wodtli

(Property Disputes.) Neighbors disputed boundary line and easement use. I was able to resolve the dispute satisfactorily through a settlement, although that was achieved only after filing a case in Circuit Court. 

Biggi v. Washington County

(Land Use.) I obtained a writ of mandamus for approval of a subdivision after the County failed to process the Biggi land use application within 120 days. The County resisted the writ, but I won the case in Circuit Court. 

Kahut Companies Transaction

(Solid Waste.) I was lead attorney in a multimillion-dollar transaction for a stock sale of a large Oregon solid waste franchised hauler. The transaction included sale of a materials recovery facility and other property. The sale included the need to transfer several solid waste franchises and other licenses and permits. 

Hillsboro Landfill Expansions

(Land Use and Environmental.) Led efforts to expand Hillsboro Landfill on multiple occasions. 

Removal of Gold Ray Dam on Rogue River

(Land Use and Environmental; Administrative Litigation.) Led land use (including LUBA) and NEPA efforts by Jackson County to remove Gold Ray Dam from the Rogue River. Defended resulting lawsuits.

DEQ v. Wood Waste Management

(Environmental and Administrative Litigation.) Currently lead attorney in defending WWM from DEQ regulatory overreach seeking to require coverage under NPDES General Permit 1200-Z where the facility at issue does not discharge industrial storm water. 

Thompson Sanitary Service

(Solid Waste.) Represented hauler in enforcement against violations of its solid waste franchise.